Thursday, March 24, 2016

DTPA Fe 11% Suitable for Soil, Foliar, Hydroponics and Aquaponics

DTPA Fe 11% Suitable for Soil, Foliar, Hydroponics and Aquaponics

DTPA chelated Iron / Fe is a DTPA chelating agents and divalent iron chelation formed a chelated iron fertilizer. Iron deficiency is a limiting factor of plant growth. Iron is present at high quantities in soils, but its availability to plants is usually very low, and therefore iron deficiency is a common problem. This product is suitable for fertigation and soilless technique of crops grown at slightly alkaline conditions. It's provide excellent efficiency to plants when applied by fertigation, aquaponics and hydroponics or for the prevention and correction of iron deficiency in crops.

Advantages of DTPA Fe / Iron:
1. Product available as DTPA Fe
2. High stability in wide pH solution range
3. High bio-availability
4. Environmental green
5. Organic fertilizer
6. Excellent solubility in water
7. Especially suitable for high loving acid plants.
8. For direct use in fertigation and soilless technique and foliar fertilizer.
9. Recommended mostly for slightly alkaline soil and water conditions such as hard water (High contents of Calcium & Magnesium), Hydroponics and Aquaponics.

What is the difference between DTPA chelated Iron / Fe and inorganic Iron fertilizers?

  1. DTPA chelated Iron / Fe is a good chemical stability, less susceptible to oxidation or reduction.
  2. DTPA chelated Iron / Fe can mix with phosphates, carbonates fertilizer and formulated nutrient solution. 
  3. DTPA chelated Iron / Fe compatible with many herbicides, pesticides and other product.
  4. DTPA chelated Iron / Fe is non-corrosive, it does not burn the leaf surface or root wilting. This is more environmentally safe.
  5. DTPA chelated Iron / Fe solubility is significantly greater than inorganic iron salts. In hard water (High content of Calcium & Magnesium) or cold water, it can quickly dissolved completely, but inorganic iron salts substances will clog up filters and nozzles. Therefore, DTPA chelated Iron / Fe is more suitable for modern agriculture hydroponics and aquaponics system.
  6. The inorganic ferrous sulfate easily oxidized, large amount of usage, low absorption rate, extensive use of inorganic ferrous sulfate will cause soil acidification. Another frequent use of ferrous sulfate, it will produce sulfuric acid crystals clogging the pores seedling roots eventually will cause the plants cannot absorb soil nutrients and water can result in death.

Is the second trace element content of the product the higher the better?
Not necessarily, content is only one level of technical indicators. As for plants, absorption and utilization is the key. Such as pure copper block, iron content is 100%, content of iron but the plants cannot absorb and inorganic salts can only partially absorbed. DTPA chelated Iron / Fe content element looks only about 11%, but the structure and characteristic is stable. Therefore, it's not easily be destroy before they are absorbed by plants and the absorption rate is around 95% -100%.

DTPA chelated Iron / Fe suitable for what kind of soil and crop?
DTPA chelated Iron / Fe suitable soil conditions for the pH value of 7.0 or less. It is particularly suitable for high loving acidic soil and high loving acid plants.

DTPA Iron / Fe can be used to water plants?
It can be used to water plants. Most of the water plants the iron content is minimal, iron deficiency can affect the existence of chlorophyll and will also cause leaf chlorosis. Commonly used iron fertilizer plants are mainly ferrous sulfate, but ferrous ion in water oxidized into ferric ions and plants will have difficulties to absorb. The DTPA Iron / Fe is chelated iron more stable than EDTA Iron, less susceptible to oxidation and better absorption to plants. For most of the aquarium like acidic water quality, a low concentration of DTPA Iron / Fe is an ideal iron supplementation effect for water plants.

DTPA Iron / Fe Product Specifications: 
Iron / Fe content; 11.00 %
Chelated iron / Fe purity: 99.90 %
pH value: 2.0 - 4.0 (1% solution)
Suitable soil pH range below 7.0
Suitable water pH range : below 7.0
Appearance: Yellow brown powder
Origin: Germany

Application Rate:
1. For foliar spray: 
Dilution ratio: 1gm mix with 1 - 2.5 L of water.
Application frequency: 2 - 3 times a month, once every 7 - 10 days.
According to the plant severity of symptoms, use 3 - 5 grams of chelated Iron / Fe per square meter. Due to the DTPA chelated Iron / Fe absorption rate is high, once the plant recover to normal condition, do not excessive application.

2. For hydroponics or aquaponics:
Dilution ratio: 20 gm - 100 gm mix with 1000 L of water or 0.02gm - 0.1 gm mix with 1 L of water.

1. Avoid mixing with strong acids, alkaline substances and oxidants.
2. Avoid use under bright sun light.
3. Sealed and keep in dry place at room temperature.
4. Keep out of children reach.

Packing: 250gm per packet.

Price: Rm 60 per packet

State: Powder

Payment: Cash / Prepayment

Delivery: Own collection / By Courier Service

For more information or interested to purchase, please contact:
Address: 2A, Jalan SG 1/5,
Taman Industri Bolton,
68100 Batu Caves. Selangor
Phone No: +603-61878293
Fax No: +603-61883268
Mobile No: +6016-6333518 (WhatsApp)
Person to contact: Alan Tam

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Seaweed Extract Powder Water Soluble Organic Fertilizer for Vegetables, Fruits & All ornamentals

Seaweed Extract Powder Water Soluble Organic Fertilizer 
for Vegetables, Fruits & All ornamentals

Seaweed Extract Powder is a 100% fresh seaweed extract and naturally composed of nutrients, trace minerals, carbohydrates such as alginic acids and plant growth promoters.

Seaweed Extract Powder is the highly concentrated seaweed extract after dried processing, containing naturally occurred plant hormones and various naturally derived nutritional substances, is very effective in promotion of growth, development of shoot and roots, and stimulation of cell division.

A lot of gardeners have been using seaweed for centuries to improve their garden and farm soil.

Benefits of seaweed in the Garden & Farm
1.Enhancing beneficial microbial activity in the soil
Seaweed can stimulate the activities of beneficial organisms in the soil, especially in the pockets of the soil around the feeder roots. As a result, the root mass will become larger, where the ‘mycorrhizae’, a beneficial fungi and bacteria make their home. This area of the soil is called the ‘rhizosphere’. The activities in the rhizosphere can improve the ability of the plants to form healthier and stronger roots.

2.Enhance the natural ability of plants to prevent pests and diseases
Seaweed can improve both Biotic (Fungal, bacterial, Insect, etc.) and Abiotic (Drought & Salinity) stress tolerance and suppressing soil borne diseases such as nematode infections. When tomatoes are treated with seaweed they can tolerate temperatures as low as 29 degrees.

3.Providing a balanced spectrum of nutrients, inducing a vigorous growth of seedlings and balancing crop growth
Seaweed is a good source for nutrients such as nitrogen, potassium, phosphate, and magnesium, it can enhance plant thickening, enlarging leaves, balancing leaf growth, promoting shoot elongation and breaking bud dormancy.

Seaweeds can also help the soil make more nutrients available for your plants. The rhizosphere creates a nutrient food bank for the plants. Because the seaweed can increase the mass and depth of the roots, the plants will be able to draw more moisture from the soil and it can increase your plants’ drought tolerance level. The mass of the roots can also allow the plants to absorb and use fertilizers that are applied to your garden plants and soil more effectively. The strong root structure can help your plants resist some root diseases.

4.Enhance Plant Photosynthesis
One advantage of using seaweed in the garden and farm is that, it can enhance photosynthesis by increasing the chlorophyll levels of a plant. Chlorophyll is the one that gives the plants their green color. When the chlorophyll level of a plant increases, it will increase its ability to harness the sun’s energy.

5.Seaweed extracts have a natural Plant Growth Regulator (PGR)
PGR’s are the ones who control the growth and structure of your plants. Auxins, cytokinins, and hormones are the major plant growth regulators. These PGRs are in very small quantities and they are measured in parts per million. Promoting flower bud differentiation, improving blossom and fruit setting rates, uniforming fruit color and fruit size.

6.Seaweed be used as fertilizer
Seaweed fertilizer contains an abundance of fully chelated (ready to use) micro-nutrients which can be readily absorbed by plants without any further chemical decomposition needed. Compacted soil can benefit as seaweed mulch breaks down. You can mixed with NPK fertilizer to apply, it can significantly enhance utilization ratio of nutrients.

7.Increasing crop yield and quality and prolonging postharvest shelf-life

Product Analysis

  1. Origin: Australia
  2. Appearance: Black Brown
  3. Odour: Smelled as Seaweed
  4. Water Solubility: ≥ 99.50 %
  5. pH: 9 – 11 
  6. Density: 0.50 – 0.55g/cm3
  7. Organic Matter: 40.00 – 50.00 %
  8. Total Nitrogen :   0.60 %
  9. P2O5:   6.00 %
  10. K2O : 20.00 %
  11. CaO :   1.00 % 
  12. MgO:   0.06 %
  13. S :   1.00 %
  14. Fe:   0.15 %
  15. Cu: 30.00 ppm
  16. Alginic Acid :   7.00% 
  17. Natural Plant Hormones (PGR) : 600 ppm
  18. Other Ingredients : Amino Acid, Cytokinins, Mannitol, Auxin, Vitamin, etc.

Suitable Crop
It is suitable for all crops and applications including field crops, potting soil, vegetable and flower gardens, orchards and turf grass.

General Application Guide
1. Foliar Application: 
4 - 5 grams per 1 Liter water. Apply weekly or 2 weeks interval.

2. Soil Drenching Application:
40 grams per 1 Liter water. Apply 2 weeks interval or Monthly.

3. Irrigation Water Application: 
Irrigation water by dripping solution use 100grams per 1 Liter water.

4. Seed Treatment: 
3 grams per 10 Liters water, prior to planting or apply directly to seed bed.

5. Rooting / Transplant Solution:
For use as rooting medium, apply 2 grams per 10 Liters water; for use at the time of transplanting, dip root in a solution of 3 grams per 10 Liters water.

Example Crop Application
Fruit Trees
Foliar Application Stages:
1.Seedling Stage: 3 - 4 grams per 1 Liter water.
2.Flowering Stage: 4 - 5 grams per 1 Liter water.
3.Fruit Setting Stage: 4 - 5 grams per 1 Liter water.
4.Fruit Expansion Stage: 4 - 5 grams per 1 Liter water.

Fertigation Application Stages:
1.Flowering Stage: 5 – 8 Kg per Ha
2.Fruit Setting Stage: 5 – 8 Kg per Ha

Foliar Application Stages:
1.Seedling Stage: 1 - 2 grams per 1 Liter water.
2.Flowering Stage: 3 - 4 grams per 1 Liter water.
3.Fruit Setting Stage: 4 - 5 grams per 1 Liter water.
4.Fruit Expansion Stage: 4 - 5 grams per 1 Liter water.

Mixing Compatibility
Seaweed Extract Powder is compatible with most pesticides, fungicides and fertilizers. Some pH adjustment may be required with acidic mixtures. Use of glycol surfactants is not recommended. When interaction of chemical is unknown, a “jar” compatibility test is recommended.

Seaweed Extract Powder should be stored in frost-free condition with optimum storage range between 5 – 40°C. Seaweed Extract Powder is a non-hazardous and non-flammable foliar fertilizer.

250 gm per Packet


Payment: Cash / Prepayment

Delivery: Own collection / By Courier Service

For more information or interested to purchase, please contact:
Address: 2A, Jalan SG 1/5,
Taman Industri Bolton,
68100 Batu Caves. Selangor
Phone No: +603-61878293
Fax No: +603-61883268
Mobile No: +6016-6333518 (WhatsApp)
Person to contact: Alan Tam

Christmas Island Rock Phosphate (CIRP) Organic Fertilizer for Vegetables, Fruits & All ornamentals

Christmas Island Rock Phosphate (CIRP) Organic Fertilizer 
for Vegetables, Fruits & All ornamentals 

Phosphorus is an essential element required for plant. Christmas Island Rock Phosphate (CIRP) or commonly called “rock dust” is a recommended phosphorus fertilizer that adds phosphorus to your organic garden. Rock phosphate for gardens has long since been used as a fertilizer for healthy plant growth.

What is Christmas Island Rock Phosphate (CIRP)?
Christmas Island Rock Phosphate (CIRP) was formed by slow phosphatisation of the parent sedimentary and volcanic rocks over millions of years. The Island is made up of volcanic rocks interbedded with coral limestone, and has been subjected to several phases of uplifting, forming a central plateau at an elevation of 200 - 350 metres above sea level.

Christmas Island Rock Phosphate’s combination of fluorohydroxyapatite, calcium iron and aluminium phosphates make it a highly sought-after phosphate product, which provides benefits in a range of fertilizer manufacturing processes. Its relatively high total phosphorus oxide (P2O5) level improves the analysis of many straight and compound fertilizers, and its iron and aluminium content improves the granule strength of a range of acidulated fertilizers.  In addition, its reactive characteristics provide advantages for compacted fertilizers that do not undergo chemical processes.

Once applied, Christmas Island Rock Phosphate (CIRP) remains in the soil until used by the plants – will not leach. Ideal for fruiting and flowering plants, it stimulates strong root formation, hastens crop maturity and encourages earthworms and soil bacteria.

There are a number of types of rock phosphate fertilizer available on the market, some are liquid, and some are dry. Many gardeners swear by using rock-based fertilizers such as rock phosphate, bone meal and Azomite. These nutrient-rich fertilizers work with the soil rather than against it as chemical fertilizers do. The nutrients are then made available to plants at a steady and even rate throughout the growing season.

Is it an Organic Fertilizer?
Christmas Island Rock Phosphate (CIRP) is recommended as an organic fertilizer because the organic experts consider it to be an organic fertilizer.

What Does Rock Phosphate Do for Plants?
The use of Christmas Island Rock Phosphate (CIRP) for gardens is a common practice for both flowers as well as vegetables.
100% Organic Fertilizer.
Provide just the right amount of nutrients to make plants strong and healthy.
Will not burn plants.
Used as a long-lasting source of phosphorus.
Beneficial for flowering plants. Flowers love an application of Christmas Island Rock Phosphate (CIRP) early in the season and will reward you with big, vibrant blooms.
Encourage healthy tree and lawn root system development. (Use Christmas Island Rock Phosphate (CIRP) in top layer of your garden soil where new roots can find it).
Use Christmas Island Rock Phosphate (CIRP) in your vegetable garden, you will have fewer pests, greater yields and richer flavor.
Used as bulb food and transplanting fertilizer, because of its high phosphorus content.
Used as good mix with creating customized organic fertilizers.

How to Apply Christmas Island Rock Phosphate (CIRP) Fertilizer?
• Broadcast 25 - 50gm per 1 square feet or side dress around existing plants.

• Adding Christmas Island Rock Phosphate (CIRP / Rock dust) to compost will add available nutrients for plants. Use this compost heavily in your vegetable garden and the nutrients will make up for what is removed when you harvest.

Application frequency: Monthly.

Christmas Island Rock Phosphate (CIRP) Typical Analysis
1.Phosphate (P2O5): 30.00 %
2.2% Citric Acid Solubility:5 – 6 %
3.Moisture: Max  4.00 %
4.Calcium as CaO: 35.00 %
5.SiO2: 0.35 %
6.MgO: 0.50 %
7.Fluorine: Max 1.50 %
8.Cadmium: Max 40.00 ppm
9.Density: 1.38 t/cu.m
10.State: Powder
11.Size Grading (Bulk unground): 38 % Passing through Mesh 30
12.Size Grading (Bulk after grinding): 81 % Passing through Mesh 30
13.Color: Brown
14.Origin: Australia

Packing: 2Kg per Packet

Payment: Cash / Prepayment

Delivery: Own collection / By Courier Service

For more information or interested to purchase, please contact:
Address: 2A, Jalan SG 1/5,
Taman Industri Bolton,
68100 Batu Caves. Selangor
Phone No: +603-61878293
Fax No: +603-61883268
Mobile No: +6016-6333518 (WhatsApp)
Person to contact: Alan Tam

Hi-K Amino Acids+TE Liquid Fertilizer for stimulating plants to set flowers

Hi-K Amino Acids+TE Liquid Fertilizer 
for Vegetables, Fruits & All ornamentals

A form of water soluble nutrient solution complete with important NPK nutrients, amino acids and enzymes specifically for plant. Potassium plays a key-role in stimulating plants to set flowers and produce quality fruits. This product has a high K/N ratio and it is beneficial to plants prior to entering the flowering stage. It is highly recommended to be used as a foliar fertilizer in crops such as rice, fruit trees, tea, coffee, tobacco, oil palm, banana, pineapple, pasture etc.

The purpose of incorporating amino acids into our formulation is to help plants to have a better resistance against environmental stresses such as drought, pest & disease attack. Amino acids is capable to stimulate plants to release more root exudates into its rhizosphere, feeding & stimulating beneficial microbes to work harder so to supply the root system with more available nutrients.

Nutrient Composition
Amino Acids (17 types) : 12.75 % w/v
Nitrogen : 5.00 % w/v
P2O5: 7.50 % w/v
K2O : 12.00 % w/v
S: 750.00 ppm

Trace Elements content
B :125.00 ppm
EDTA Co : 12.50 ppm
EDTA Cu : 375.00 ppm
EDTA Fe : 1000.00 ppm
Mg : 1350.00 ppm
EDTA Mn : 1000.00 ppm
Mo : 25.00 ppm
EDTA Zn : 375.00 ppm

Application rate: 

  • 30ml to 100ml (Depend plant age and condition) of Hi-K Amino+TE mix with 18L of water. Use spray nozzles to helps plant leaves have more effective absorption. 
  • For foliar spray - young and tender plant use 1 - 2ml of the product mix with 1L of water. As for the mature plant 3 - 5ml of the product mix with 1L of water. 

Recommended spray: Weekly.

Packaging: 1L per Bottle

State: Liquid

Payment: Cash / Prepayment

Delivery: Own collection / By Courier Service

For more information or interested to purchase, please contact:
Address: 2A, Jalan SG 1/5,
Taman Industri Bolton,
68100 Batu Caves. Selangor
Phone No: +603-61878293
Fax No: +603-61883268
Mobile No: +6016-6333518 (WhatsApp)
Person to contact: Alan Tam

CALMAG Amino Acids + TE Liquid Fertilizer for Vegetables, Fruits & All ornamentals

CALMAG Amino Acids + TE Liquid Fertilizer 
for Vegetables, Fruits & All ornamentals

Supplying readily bio-available Calcium and Magnesium to crops

This is special formulation with special emphasis on supplying readily bio-available Calcium and Magnesium to crops. This product is meant for soil poor in these two nutrients or for correcting Magnesium deficiency in crops. This product can be used for all commercial crops.

Nutrient Composition
1) Amino Acids (17 types) : 12.75 % w/v
2) Nitrogen: 10.75 % w/v
3) Calcium (CaO): 11.69 % w/v
4) Magnesium (MgO): 3.20 % w/v
5) S: 750.00 ppm
6) Trace Elements content;
B: 125.00 ppm
EDTA Co: 12.50 ppm
EDTA Cu: 375.00 ppm
EDTA Fe: 1000.00 ppm
EDTA Mn: 1000.00 ppm
Mo: 25.00 ppm
EDTA Zn: 375.00 ppm

Application rate:

  • 30ml to 100ml (Depend plant age and condition) of CALMAG Amino TE mix with 18L of water. Use spray nozzles to helps plant leaves have more effective absorption. 
  • For foliar spray - young and tender plant use 1 - 2ml of the product mix with 1L of water. As for the mature plant 3 - 5ml of the product mix with 1L of water. 

Recommended spray: Weekly.

State: Liquid

Packaging: 1L per Bottle

Payment: Cash / Prepayment

Delivery: Own collection / By Courier Service

For more information or interested to purchase, please contact:
Address: 2A, Jalan SG 1/5,
Taman Industri Bolton,
68100 Batu Caves. Selangor
Phone No: +603-61878293
Fax No: +603-61883268
Mobile No: +6016-6333518 (WhatsApp)
Person to contact: Alan Tam

Natural Diatomaceous Earth (DE) Flakes for Potting soil, Hydroponic and Fertigation growing medium

Natural Diatomaceous Earth (DE) Flakes 
for Potting soil, Hydroponic and Fertigation growing medium

Natural Diatomaceuos Earth (DE) Soil Conditioner suitable for:

  • 100% Potting soil , Fertigation and hydroponic growing medium
  • Soil mixes for bonsai trees
  • Flowers and plants, vegetables and fruit soil amendments
  • Functional or ornamental garden covering
  • Renovating golf greens and tees
  • Landscaping of heavily compacted turf

Benefits of Natural Diatomaceous Earth (DE) Soil Conditioner

  1. DE is an effective soil amendment mineral predominately made of pure silica. It has a unique internal porosity supporting a healthy population of bacteria beneficial to the soil. It increases the permeability of the soil and the water availability. 
  2. DE is a very effective in breaking up hard pan, conditioning heavy clay soils; As we know the major problem in clay soils is the soil particles tend to stick together too tightly and clay soils need something to separate those particles so moisture and nutrients can permeate the root zone. 
  3. DE soil amendments are also excellent for sandy soils. In sandy soils, the DE particles absorb water that would otherwise just run through the sand, and make it available to the plants. This is why many golf courses use it in their sand-based greens and tees.
  4. DE is compatible with other soil components and it may be blended with fertilizers; The addition of DE to soil amended with fertilizer may allow for more efficient use of fertilizer and reduce the impact that fertilizer has on the environment through leaching.
  5. The soluble silica in DE which is essential for healthy and robust plants, will support a high level of resistance to disease.

Application and dosagesIdeal Mixing: 
50% Coco peat (Washed), 20% DE Flakes, 20% Organic Compost, 10% ZeopSil (Granulated Mineral Silicon Fertilizer)

Product Typical Analysis
Chemical Properties
Silicon Dioxide (SiO2) : 80 - 86%
Alumina (Al2O3) : 4 - 6%
Ferric Oxide (Fe2O3) : 1 - 3.5%
Titanium Oxide (TiO2) : 0.27%
Calcium Oxide (CaO) : 0.23%
Manganese Oxide (MnO) : NIL
Magnesium Oxide (MgO) : 0.81%
Sodium Oxide (Na2O) : 1.27%
Potassium Oxide (K2O) : 0.18%
Phosphorous Pentaoxide (P2O5) : 0.09%

Typical Physical Properties
Colour : Pale Yellow/ Off-white
pH of 10% slurry : 7.5 - 8.4
Moisture : 8 - 12%
Loss on ignition : 5.42%

Packing: 2 Kg per Packet

Payment: Cash / Prepayment

Delivery: Own collection / By Courier Service

For more information or interested to purchase, please contact:
Address: 2A, Jalan SG 1/5,
Taman Industri Bolton,
68100 Batu Caves. Selangor
Phone No: +603-61878293
Fax No: +603-61883268
Mobile No: +6016-6333518 (WhatsApp)
Person to contact: Alan Tam

EDTA Fe/Iron 13% Improve fruits & flowers color

EDTA Fe/Iron 13% Improve fruits & flowers color

A soluble powder formulation of Iron Chelate (ethylene diamine tetracetate disodium salt) containing water soluble Fe of 13% w/w. This product contains water soluble iron in EDTA chelated form which provides iron nutrient essential for plant growth. Its use will prevent iron deficiency and it is suitable for hydroponics and foliar.

Improve all fruits color and color of flowers, such as Jambu batu, jambu air, tomato, cucumber, ciku, banana, roselle and others.


  1. For the correction of iron deficiency in many agricultural, horticultural and fruit crops. Recommended for foliar application.
  2. As a iron source in hydroponics and other nutrient solution.
  3. EDTA Fe 13% (Iron chelate) should be applied where there is a recognized need. Do not exceed the appropriate dose rate,
  4. It is compatible with all other crop care chemicals. They are also fully compatible with solutions containing soluble phosphates such as foliar fertilizer.

Rates of application:
1. Hydroponics
First check the pH of the nutrient solution and if necessary adjust this to 5 - 6, then add EDTA Fe 13% at the rate of 20 grams per 1000 litres of the nutrient solution.

2. Foliar application
The amount of EDTA Fe 13% to be applied should be mixed with a volume of water appropriate to the crop leaf area not exceeding a solution concentration of 0.1% or 100 grams per 100 Liters water. Coat the leaves add stems with a thin film of moisture with little or no run-off in the late afternoon. Spray to 2 times, Before flowering and after fruits formation.

500gm per Packet

Payment: Cash / Prepayment

Delivery: Own collection / By Courier Service

For more information or interested to purchase, please contact:
Address: 2A, Jalan SG 1/5,
Taman Industri Bolton,
68100 Batu Caves. Selangor
Phone No: +603-61878293
Fax No: +603-61883268
Mobile No: +6016-6333518 (WhatsApp)
Person to contact: Alan Tam

Monday, February 1, 2016

Poseidon Organic Fish Amino Acids Liquid Fertilizer for Vegetables, Fruits & All ornamentals

Poseidon Organic Fish Amino Acids Liquid Fertilizer 
for Vegetables, Fruits & All ornamentals 

Fish Amino Acids is a purified and concentrated peptide derivative produced under highly controlled conditions. The high bio-activity of the peptides enables it to penetrate/ translocate plant's cells easily and to be easily absorbed by the root hairs and epidermal cells.

The product is water soluble organic liquid fertilizer with a fish sauce flavor. As a result of the selective nature of the membrane filtration manufacturing process, the product contains optimum levels of highly absorbable nutrients, an effective Nitrogen source for all plants.

Benefits of Fish Amino Acids
Fish Amino Acids is a truly unique nutrient for improving health and productivity of crops. Crops that respond well to amino acids are vegetable, rice, oil palm, banana, sugarcane, cocoa, flowers, corn, potato, soya & all seedlings in pre-nursery etc. And also good for organic farming.

Product Analysis & Typical Values

  1. Solubility in water: Complete
  2. pH:3.6-4.1
  3. Density kg/litre: 1.15
  4. Water %: less than 55
  5. Protein %: 35-37
  6. Fat %: less than 0.10
  7. Ash %: less than or equal to 8.00
  8. Sodium %: less than or equal to 1.50
  9. Phosphorus %: 0.43
  10. Calcium %: 0.11
  11. Organic Acid %: less than or equal to 5.00

Amino Acids Profile, %

  1. Alanine: 2.14
  2. Arginine: 1.76
  3. Aspartic Acid: 3.36
  4. Cystein: 0.27
  5. Glutamic Acid: 5.05
  6. Glycine: 2.57
  7. Histidine: 1.57
  8. Isoleucine: 1.59
  9. Leucine: 2.40
  10. Methionine: 0.72
  11. Meth. + Cystine: 0.99
  12. Phenylalanine: 1.06
  13. Proline: 1.86
  14. Serine: 1.31
  15. Threonine: 1.50
  16. Tryptophan: 0.28
  17. Valine: 1.79
  18. Lysine:2.96

Application rate
Applied as Foliar Fertilizer: 50ml - 100ml Fish Amino Acids / 16L of water
Recommended spray: Weekly.

State: Liquid

Packaging: 1L per Bottle.

Payment: Cash / Prepayment

Delivery: Own collection / By Courier Service

For more information or interested to purchase, please contact:
Address: 2A, Jalan SG 1/5,
Taman Industri Bolton,
68100 Batu Caves. Selangor
Phone No: +603-61878293
Fax No: +603-61883268
Mobile No: +6016-6333518 (WhatsApp)
Person to contact: Alan Tam

Humic Adjuvant - Soil Improvement

Humic Adjuvant - Soil Improvement

Humic acids are complex organic molecules that are formed by the breakdown of organic matter. Humic acid influences soil fertility through its effect on the water-holding capacity of the soil. Humic acids make important contributions to soil stability and soil fertility leading to exceptional plant growth and micronutrient uptake.

Benefits of Humic Adjuvant
1. Applicable to all plant species
2. Stimulates root growth
3. Loosen soil
4. Reduce soil acidity

Nutrient Composition
1) Derivative of Potassium Carbonate & Humic Acid: 12.75 % w/v
2) K2O : 0.4-0.5% w/v
3) pH : 9.8 - 10
4) Poly Soil Loosening Agent

100ml of product to be dissolved in 16L water and spray solution to soil to reduce its acidity.

Packaging: 1L per Bottle.

State: Liquid

Payment: Cash / Prepayment

Delivery: Own collection / By Courier Service

For more information or interested to purchase, please contact:
Address: 2A, Jalan SG 1/5,
Taman Industri Bolton,
68100 Batu Caves. Selangor
Phone No: +603-61878293
Fax No: +603-61883268
Mobile No: +6016-6333518 (WhatsApp)
Person to contact: Alan Tam