Thursday, March 24, 2016

DTPA Fe 11% Suitable for Soil, Foliar, Hydroponics and Aquaponics

DTPA Fe 11% Suitable for Soil, Foliar, Hydroponics and Aquaponics

DTPA chelated Iron / Fe is a DTPA chelating agents and divalent iron chelation formed a chelated iron fertilizer. Iron deficiency is a limiting factor of plant growth. Iron is present at high quantities in soils, but its availability to plants is usually very low, and therefore iron deficiency is a common problem. This product is suitable for fertigation and soilless technique of crops grown at slightly alkaline conditions. It's provide excellent efficiency to plants when applied by fertigation, aquaponics and hydroponics or for the prevention and correction of iron deficiency in crops.

Advantages of DTPA Fe / Iron:
1. Product available as DTPA Fe
2. High stability in wide pH solution range
3. High bio-availability
4. Environmental green
5. Organic fertilizer
6. Excellent solubility in water
7. Especially suitable for high loving acid plants.
8. For direct use in fertigation and soilless technique and foliar fertilizer.
9. Recommended mostly for slightly alkaline soil and water conditions such as hard water (High contents of Calcium & Magnesium), Hydroponics and Aquaponics.

What is the difference between DTPA chelated Iron / Fe and inorganic Iron fertilizers?

  1. DTPA chelated Iron / Fe is a good chemical stability, less susceptible to oxidation or reduction.
  2. DTPA chelated Iron / Fe can mix with phosphates, carbonates fertilizer and formulated nutrient solution. 
  3. DTPA chelated Iron / Fe compatible with many herbicides, pesticides and other product.
  4. DTPA chelated Iron / Fe is non-corrosive, it does not burn the leaf surface or root wilting. This is more environmentally safe.
  5. DTPA chelated Iron / Fe solubility is significantly greater than inorganic iron salts. In hard water (High content of Calcium & Magnesium) or cold water, it can quickly dissolved completely, but inorganic iron salts substances will clog up filters and nozzles. Therefore, DTPA chelated Iron / Fe is more suitable for modern agriculture hydroponics and aquaponics system.
  6. The inorganic ferrous sulfate easily oxidized, large amount of usage, low absorption rate, extensive use of inorganic ferrous sulfate will cause soil acidification. Another frequent use of ferrous sulfate, it will produce sulfuric acid crystals clogging the pores seedling roots eventually will cause the plants cannot absorb soil nutrients and water can result in death.

Is the second trace element content of the product the higher the better?
Not necessarily, content is only one level of technical indicators. As for plants, absorption and utilization is the key. Such as pure copper block, iron content is 100%, content of iron but the plants cannot absorb and inorganic salts can only partially absorbed. DTPA chelated Iron / Fe content element looks only about 11%, but the structure and characteristic is stable. Therefore, it's not easily be destroy before they are absorbed by plants and the absorption rate is around 95% -100%.

DTPA chelated Iron / Fe suitable for what kind of soil and crop?
DTPA chelated Iron / Fe suitable soil conditions for the pH value of 7.0 or less. It is particularly suitable for high loving acidic soil and high loving acid plants.

DTPA Iron / Fe can be used to water plants?
It can be used to water plants. Most of the water plants the iron content is minimal, iron deficiency can affect the existence of chlorophyll and will also cause leaf chlorosis. Commonly used iron fertilizer plants are mainly ferrous sulfate, but ferrous ion in water oxidized into ferric ions and plants will have difficulties to absorb. The DTPA Iron / Fe is chelated iron more stable than EDTA Iron, less susceptible to oxidation and better absorption to plants. For most of the aquarium like acidic water quality, a low concentration of DTPA Iron / Fe is an ideal iron supplementation effect for water plants.

DTPA Iron / Fe Product Specifications: 
Iron / Fe content; 11.00 %
Chelated iron / Fe purity: 99.90 %
pH value: 2.0 - 4.0 (1% solution)
Suitable soil pH range below 7.0
Suitable water pH range : below 7.0
Appearance: Yellow brown powder
Origin: Germany

Application Rate:
1. For foliar spray: 
Dilution ratio: 1gm mix with 1 - 2.5 L of water.
Application frequency: 2 - 3 times a month, once every 7 - 10 days.
According to the plant severity of symptoms, use 3 - 5 grams of chelated Iron / Fe per square meter. Due to the DTPA chelated Iron / Fe absorption rate is high, once the plant recover to normal condition, do not excessive application.

2. For hydroponics or aquaponics:
Dilution ratio: 20 gm - 100 gm mix with 1000 L of water or 0.02gm - 0.1 gm mix with 1 L of water.

1. Avoid mixing with strong acids, alkaline substances and oxidants.
2. Avoid use under bright sun light.
3. Sealed and keep in dry place at room temperature.
4. Keep out of children reach.

Packing: 250gm per packet.

Price: Rm 60 per packet

State: Powder

Payment: Cash / Prepayment

Delivery: Own collection / By Courier Service

For more information or interested to purchase, please contact:
Address: 2A, Jalan SG 1/5,
Taman Industri Bolton,
68100 Batu Caves. Selangor
Phone No: +603-61878293
Fax No: +603-61883268
Mobile No: +6016-6333518 (WhatsApp)
Person to contact: Alan Tam